Hassle Free Web Design and Website Hosting from Gryphon Media

More about our web hosting services...

We design sites to suite the needs of the visitors, from simple HTML sites to complex data driven sites which the clients can update themselves.

We can use a variety of technologies to design and manage your sites, including Drupal, ASP, PHP and MySQL, depending on which is the most appropriate.  We can also use Drupal and Wordpress to enable the site owner to maintain contant.

Our philosophy of ‘keeping it simple’ means that we only use technology to add to the functionality of the site, never using it for technology’s sake alone.



Standard Hosting Charges

£249.99 + VAT per year.

Includes 5 Standard emal sddresses.  Advanced email accounts cost £15 per year per address.  Exchange accounts cost £99 + VAT per year.

Advanced Hosting

£300 + VAT per year.

Includes Access, MsSQL, PHP/MysqL, Drupal or WordPress accounts and 5 standard email accounts.

Domain Name Registration

Cost plus 15% handling fee

Email Services

  • 5 Standard Email Accounts are free with web hosting  Additional accounts are £10 each, per year.

  • Advanced Email Accounts are £15 per year.

  • Exchange Hosted Email costs £99 per year, per account.

  • Email only accounts i.e. anything@gryphonweb.co.uk is £25 per year.

  • Registering a domain name and providing email is £35 per year per address.

Click here for more information

Optimising for Search Engines...

Getting good Search Engine placement is a bit of a 'Dark Art' and, therefore, we never make exaggerated claims about what we can achieve. Frankly, the only sure way to get good placement is to pay the Search Engines to advertise!

However, good design, a well thought through structure, sensible use of Keywords and well placed descriptive text all contribute to good placement. We, therefore, design the site around the needs of the Search Engines. Our sites do well in their sector.

If good design doesn't get good placement then we recommend using Google's AdWords advertising system. It is a cost effective way of getting people to visit your site as you only pay when someone visits. Most other search engines offer similar schemes.

Hassle Free Web Design and Website Hosting from Gryphon Media

Auctioneer's Websites...

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Hassle Free Web Design and Website Hosting from Gryphon Media